For many, the season of giving is about to begin but for Rolling 4 A Reason, our giving journey has been in full swing for over a year now! Established to provide our BJJ community with an outlet to give something back, it has been a heartening journey for us so far!
Our year kicked off with a local project in Sydney supporting refugees who had arrived in Australia. The Gi contributions to Mario Sergio Yokoyama from My BJJ and the Community Centre in Lidcombe – NSW allowed the refugees the opportunity to immediately immerse themselves into not only our beloved BJJ but also our Australian community. Your contributions supported their sense of community spirit, helping them to feel a part of their new home land and providing them with some tangible hope for their new future. We were moved to the core by the gratitude shown by the soon-to-be Australians for some simple gear contributions.
Over to the other side of the globe, we visited a not-for-profit BJJ set up based inside the favelas of norther Brazilian city, Salvador, donating a large number of Australian donated Gis. The gym was set up to offer children of that community an opportunity to learn the art of their home country at no cost, proving the kids a warm and welcoming community to be safely active and also learn transferrable life skills like discipline and commitment. The joy plastered across their grateful little faces as they tried to work out where Australia was, tested their limited English and tried to understand why they were being given such wonderful gits, was a humbling experience which will never be forgotten.
For our final project of 2016 we’re heading across the continent to Perth where we have partnered with Leo Bobadilla and GFT Mandurah offering BJJ classes to children living with disabilities such as downs syndrome. We’re so honoured and inspired by this project focused on ensuring all humans are provided equal opportunities no matter what their situation.
A huge thank you to you for all your support this year! We will continue our focus on expanding our reach to communities in need of varying capacities into the future and are always open to your suggestions, donations or feedback. Together we really can make a difference.
We’re grateful for all of your support, your Gi donations and to those who have shared their personal stories with us this year as well. BRAUS Experience has provided some really insightful and inspirational stories which have had positive impacts on others’ lives, proving that giving encompasses so much more than material things. Time and support, as well as belongings are all equally valuable assets and as you can see we have had the pleasure of sharing some heart-warming experiences this year, thanks to you. Giving is not limited nor is it monogamous. Remember that during the silly season. At the end of the day, we’re all just humans rolling our way through this adventure of life……give a little and Roll 4 a Reason OSS